Photoswipe Gallery Sample

Beautiful Hugo adds a few custom shortcodes created by Li-Wen Yip and Gert-Jan van den Berg for making galleries with PhotoSwipe .

{{< gallery caption-effect="fade" >}} {{< figure thumb="-thumb" link="/img/hexagon.jpg" >}} {{< figure thumb="-thumb" link="/img/sphere.jpg" caption="Sphere" >}} {{< figure thumb="-thumb" link="/img/triangle.jpg" caption="Triangle" alt …

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Math Sample

KaTeX can be used to generate complex math formulas. It supports in-line math using the \\( ... \\) delimiters, like this: \( E = mc^2 \). By default, it does not support in-line delimiters $...$ because those occur too commonly in typical webpages. It supports displayed math using the $$ or \\[...\\] delimiters, like this:

Formula 1: $$ \phi …

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Code Sample

The following are two code samples using syntax highlighting.

The following is a code sample using triple backticks ( ``` ) code fencing provided in Hugo. This is client side highlighting and does not require any special installation.

    var num1, num2, sum
    num1 = prompt("Enter first number")
    num2 = prompt("Enter second number")
    sum …
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